Sunday, November 22, 2009

Maximus Suchy

So my life has been blessed again with a wonderful child! Maximus Thomas Suchy is now 9 months old and will be One on February 4th! I have had so much fun with him. His sister, Kayla is now 12 years old. She too is a blast! Almost 13 and a true teenager. Yikes. We have completely seen the side effects of a teenager already. Jason, I think, was so happy when he found out we were having a boy. Stuck in the house with two hormonal women is not his cup of tea!

Back to Max. He has such a great little attitude. You can always count on him to have a smile on his face. My life has changed dramatically since having him. I focus more on the simple things in life and live each moment to the fullest. He has given me so much to be thankful for in life. My hormones were a little rocky about two months ago but I have stopped breastfeeding and wow has my emotions changed for the better! I told Jason that I was going to stop nursing and he said "You've been a trooper"! It was a very emotional time but Max was such a great trooper too!

He has so many awesome quirks. When he sees someone he likes he starts jumping for joy. If your holding him, watch out because he starts jumping and smacking. I've had my head butted and nose smack so many times. He always smiles when he sees his sister! He has my bad habit of staring at people. I think sometimes he stares at Kayla and thinks, "she's crazy".

He is very ticklish! He loves "this little piggy". Another old time children's rhyme that he loves is patty cake. He is now starting to roll it roll it! When Max is all done playing and having fun, he begins by pulling his ear and starts crawling for mommies legs. That's when I know he has had enough!

Many more fun events and moments will come along for you to read. I hope you enjoy some of my many notes on my life. I hope that by writing, it help me get some emotions out and make me feel better! I have read that keeping a journal or blog really helps to unwind your mind. Well I definitely need some unwinding! My Husband is a dream come true for me. He has been my rock. He's always saying just breath and calm down. So I am taking his words and practicing them. Hopefully I can overcome my mental challenges and start relaxing!